The Golden Gays Strut in Drag Race Philippines Main Stage

The Golden Gays participate in Drag Race Philippines S02E07: Twinning the Shequel in the much-awaited makeover challenge. Each queen partners up with a Golden Gay and finds a “Ru-semblance” before going down the runway.

Bernie, being the mini-challenge winner, gets to pair the queens with a respective Golden Gay. But in the spirit of sisterhood, she paired each queen with a Golden Gay they wanted. As a result, everyone jived well in the workroom.

Drag Race Philippines S02E07: Twinning the Shequel

The episode opens with a mini challenge where the queens had to do makeup in five minutes using only a small mirror shared with five other people. The remaining queens fought to see themselves and their reflection to do and ace an excellent makeup look.

However, Bernie stood out as she put on makeup without using any mirrors. She delivered a complete makeup look, including an impeccable eyeliner by only feeling the grooves on her face. Eventually, she wins the mini-challenge and takes home 20,000 pesos.

Golden Gays and the Main Stage

The Golden Gays in their full glory.
PHOTO: Twitter (@mrllsltrwyn)

The makeover challenge is one of the most-awaited episodes in all Drag Race franchises. However, it is usually a queen paired with a family member while trying to establish a family resemblance. But in Drag Race Philippines S02, it is the queens and the Golden Gays.

Each queen consulted a Golden Gay on which style they wanted. As a result, the presentation became more seamless and easier to watch. Based on critiques, the judges, as well as the extra special guest judge Gloria Diaz enjoyed the runway as well.

Precious Paula Nicole and the Golden Gays

It is not the first time the Golden Gays were mentioned in Drag Race Philippines. Since the first season, they were idolized and referenced by the queens. For example, Precious Paula Nicole, the first winner of the show, personally helped the non-profit organization even before joining Drag Race.

Meanwhile, Xilhouete also mentioned the Paper Dolls in the first episode as her primary inspiration for joining. During the first runway, she wore a terno embedded with the photos of the Paper Dolls in its train. She wanted to highlight their importance to the history of the gay community in the Philippines while highlighting the need to help and assist them now.

PHOTO: Twitter (@dearestppn)

Bernie Wins the Maxi Challenge

Bernie and OV Cunt took the top spots while the other queens ended up safe from elimination. The two queens thought they were up for elimination, but they eventually became the frontrunners of the episode. Bernie trumps OV Cunt, earning her first win in the season.

Read more about other Drag Race updates here.

PHOTO: Twitter (@welverder)

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